
Friday, October 17, 2008

Male Model in Oils - Part 4

I can't believe how much this painting has evolved from the beginning. I'm very pleased with the results and excitedly look forward to the next model. Hint Hint Cristian!

Last night was the last class dedicated to this particular painting, so I've brought it home to complete.

I managed to correct the sofa angles, add height to the front of the sofa and add details to the body.

There are only a few minor adjustments left to make and then it will be complete - left hand, the face, socks and curtains touchups.

Challenges: the details of the face and remixing the correct facial colours, the shape of the left hand.
Rewarding: the richness of the colours (love that Cadmium Red Deep Hue), the shirt and the sofa stripes. I've also noticed that my brush strokes are much looser and free.

Next Week: We begin working on an original piece inspired from a piece of literature.


Danielle said...

Trish - awesome work!!! You have achieved a wonderful result here - I love it and am so proud of your work! xo

Anonymous said...

Awesome Work Trish...when do you have time?