
Friday, October 10, 2008

Male Model in Oils - Part 3

Now that most of the painting is mostly filled in, I realize I need to work more on the angles and proportions of the sofa. The face is beginning to take shape - I've left this until the end since its the part that most intimidates me. Cristian provided a sample that encourages the use of the negative space to construct the face and its proportions-focusing on the angles, shapes, shadows and highlights rather than the actual features of the face. By doing this, the left brain's need to identify, label and construct from a preconceived idea of what an eye looks like is silenced while the right side of the brain looks at the details as shapes and angles, placing them together as pieces of a puzzle (learned more about this from Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards).

Challenge: Still, the left arm.
Rewarding: I finally mixed enough paint to finish an area without the challenge of remixing the same colour.Yes!!!

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