The Planning Stage:
As I began planning this painting, I knew I could easily find the body out of proportion due the much larger scale of the canvass - 48" x 24". In order to accurately transfer the images I decided to lay a grid over the photo. I divided the image and the canvass into eight equal blocks. From there I focused on the negative spaces within each grid block, recreating them on the canvass. The transfer was quite successful with some exceptions, the male's hand is out of proportion, his pectoral muscle needs to be elongated and the mouth needs to be less robot-like. I'm sure other elements will pop out as I progress through the painting.
Note for next time: Use much lighter pencil pressure as the lead is difficult to remove from the canvass surface and requires a thicker layer of paint to fully cover.
The Blocking In Stage:
As I began to block in the forms I realized I had not mixed enough of the same colour - yet again. Due to the size of the canvass, a large quantity of paint will be needed for the base colour. Therefore, I plan on storing a large amount in a small air tight jar to be used within a few days.
When beginning a new painting, one of the things that our art instructor, Cristian, emphasized was to ask ourselves what we wanted to achieve with this painting, what are our goals. So, from here on in I will share with you my personal goals for each new piece. I feel this will help in the direction the painting will take, the feel or atmosphere I am trying to achieve.
Goals For This Piece:
- achieve a soft, sensual feel
- use larger, looser brush strokes, with less blending
- gain a better understanding of the formation of the human body