
Friday, November 8, 2013

Portrait of Daughter Part 2

Prom Portrait of My Daughter

by Trisha Bond

Part Two - Underpainting

The Beginning Stage:

Using the same process as previously in the Amanda Seyfriend portrait, I blocked in the image with a thin, diluted layer of acrylic paint to capture mid tones, highlights and shadows.

Maintaining the out of focus appearance of the background is taking some work to achieve the right look and feel.  However, its beginning to come together.

The hair color needs adjusting to a more strawberry blonde tone.  As well the eye colour needs to be more accurately defined as a steel blue-grey.  Her right side of her mouth is still not quite right.  So will tackle that in the next session.  As well, her left jawline may need a slight increase in angle.

Time Elapsed: 2.5 hours


I feel I'm on the right track and progressing with a fairly accurate  likeness of my daughter. Only one class left with my instructor and then I'm on my own for the duration of this portrait - a bit scary but a challenge I'm ready for!


The goal of this painting is three fold.  
  1. First, to paint someone I know personally 
  2. Second, to paint an open mouthed expression exposing teeth.  
  3. Third, to maintain a blurred depth of field for the background of the portrait to create a non-dominating contrast with the sharpness of the subject.

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