
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Part 1

Prom Portrait of My Daughter

Part 3
By Trisha Bond

Modified the eyes

The definition of the eyes, to create more pop,was next on my list.

I began with reshaping the eyes to capture the hooded characteristic that I had missed in the initial setup.  As well the lower lid needed to be brought upward.  The inner rim and inside corner of the eye were established.

I began adding more detail in the gradients of the eye colour, pupils were properly sized and the light reflecting gleam was added.  The darker limbal ring of the iris along with lighter shades of blue-grey and brownish gold flecks were added to the eye.

The pinks, purples and blue-greys of her eye makeup were applied to better represent the photograph along with the eye crease being established.

Eyelashes were added and the brows were darkened creating a more dramatic and 3 dimensional look

Part 2
Features are beginning to come
together.  However, the mouth and
nose still need modifications.  The
jawline also requires some work.


In the beginning phase I had positioned her mouth too far to the left side of the canvass creating a lopsided look.  After studying the photograph and taking some measurements I discovered the mouth needed to move to the right side of the canvas with the corner of her mouth aligned with the edge of her pupil.


The nose has been giving me some definite challenges in this portrait. This particular photograph demonstrates more of a 3/4 head position than my previous, creating a different angle to replicate.

Skin Tones

I. remixed the skin tones  to a pinkish base and attempted to even out the skin. In the next phase I will begin applying thin layers of paint to create softness in the blending of the highlights, shadows and midtones.

I will attempt to capture the highlights along the right edge of her face and nose and the sheen above her left eye, on her left check and along the edge of her neck.


I began adding the dark strawberry blonde tone to the hair to begin defining the chunks of directional flow of the curls.


Part 3The mouth has been moved.
The curvature still needs some
The chin and jawline still require some subtle changes to better reflect the angles of her right side.


More work is required on the background to obtain the blurred depth of field captured in the photograph.  As well, colours need to be more accurately depicted in the greenery.

Since my last class with my instructor is tonight, I felt the background was of less importance than the actual portrait.  Therefore, I focused the majority of my time on the face as I knew this was the most challenging part and wanted to be able to take advantage of my instructor's sharp eye and assistance this evening.


I've been feeling more confident in my ability to see the details of the photograph, find the discrepancies and correct the issues.  The painting is still a long way from completion and there are definite issues to be addressed.  However, I feel I'm slowly moving in the right direction and more likeness is emerging.

Time Elapsed This Session: 3 hours
Total Elapsed Time: 6.5 hours

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