Portrait in Acrylic
Amanda Seyfried
by Trisha Bond
Before now, the idea of painting a portrait was intimidating and I shied away from the idea of attempting such a complicated task. In the past I had made a few attempts, two of which were somewhat successful.
Under the instruction of Cristian Aluas of
Masterpiece Art School I dove in headfirst and tackled this project with enthusiasm. With the guidance of an experienced artist, I learned a great deal about the details of the face and seeing the subtle effects of light and shadow.
After six weeks I developed a piece that I am extremely proud of and no longer fear painting portraits.
Week One
Working from a photograph, I enlarged the image two times onto canvas using a light touch with pencil.
I began the blocking in process of the face and basic features using diluted acrylic paints.
The main colours were blocked in with thin layers to capture the highlights, mid tones and shadows.
Week Two
In week two additional layers of paint were applied to begin bringing depth the to the face.
The face shape was adjusted.
Details of the eyes including the inner rims, makeup shadows and eyebrows were defined.
The lips were adjusted and shadows incorporated.
Clothing details were added on the shoulder.
Shadows and highlights were added to the neck and chest.
Week Three

Adjustments to the face shape were made to soften the jowl, correctly place the jaw in relation to the ear and neck and the chin was fine tuned.
The nose length and angle were corrected.
The lips were more accurately adjusted for a more natural shape.
Eyelashes were added, eyebrows were more heavily defined.
Eye colours, highlights, shadows and colour of the white of the eye were adjusted/added.
The shoulder in the foreground was widened and the angle of the upper back was adjusted.
The reddish blonde hair colour was added and the hair line adjusted.
The angle of the neck was adjusted.
Shadows and highlights of the neck and collar bone were improved. Skin tone, blush on cheeks were also improved for tone and contrast.
Week 4
The background colour was mixed to a blue grey and cut in to adjust head shape along the hair line.
The chin was trimmed and the jaw line angle was improved.
The lips were developed to include highlights and deep shadow.
The skin tone was blended along the lip line for a more natural and soft look.
Hair colours were adjusted to reflect the lighter blonde in the photo.
Next, deeper shadow on the right side of the portrait was laid in and the actress's left ear was defined.
The details of the left ear were improved.
Week 5
This was the most difficult week...I found the hair to be extremely challenging especially the area that was smooth and pulled back into the ponytail. Trying to capture the many shades of colour was almost overwhelming.
The highlights of the actress's right side of her face and neck were lightened to create a more dramatic contrast as captured in the photo.
The earring was added.
Strands of hair colour were added to reflect the lighter colours.
Week 6
Finishing touches were added to the hair that extendeded beyond the cap of the head, sparkle and shadow were added to the earring, lashes were enhanced as were the brows, sparkle and shadow were added to the eyes. More definition was created along the left side of the face between the ear and eye in shadow.
Clothing colour was adjusted and shadows and highlights were added to the fabric.