
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cheetah In Acrylics - Step 1

Planning Stage & Blocking In
Canvas Size: 16" x 20"

This will be my first attempt at painting an animal, one I am sure will be filled with its own unique challenges.

I have reserved a 2 inch border that will later be painted with an African pattern to simulate a wooden frame.

For this painting I began with very few markings prior to laying in the paint for the blocking stage, relying on shaping the image with the paint brush rather than a pencil. I used a watered down colour to lay in the first shapes, then later applied a slightly heavier layer.

Goals for This Piece:

1. Depict accurate proportions in the animal's structure.
2. Achieve depth within the eyes.
3. Attempt to achieve realism in the texture of the fur.

Nude Man and Woman Embracing - Step 2

Step 2

After several months' hiatus, I have finally gotten back to the joy of painting.

During the second stage of this painting I have focused on achieving a more consistent overall skin tone for each of the figures, while bringing in more definition for muscle tone and skeletal structure.

Although this stage is not complete, I feel the painting has begun to come alive. The female figure still requires more work on the skin tone consistency over the abdomen area and more realistic definition of muscle tone in the arm, while the hand of the man requires restructuring of the hand.